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Overall 10 researchers from 6 research institutions are involved in the project

Things to know about Us

The "core" group is formed by 4 researchers from the University of Girona (Spain)



Dr. Stéphanie Gascón

IP & WP1 coordinator


Dr. Dani Boix

 WP2 coordinator


Dr. Xavier Quintana

 WP3 coordinator


Dr. David Cunillera-Montcusí

Contribution to WP1, WP2 & WP3


Dr. Carla Olmo

Contribution to WP1, WP2 & WP3


Dr. Maria Anton-Pardo

Contribution to WP1, WP2 & WP3

We have a large experience in community and metacommunity studies dealing with biodiversity issues, both taxonomical and functional, working in field studies but also performing mesocosm experiments, and all this without neglecting applied works.  Moreover, we also have included different approaches to our studies explicitly accounting for traits and the landscape structure. Our experience has been recognized nationally and internationally as invited keynote speakers of specialized conferences and symposiums, editing and participating in specialized books, and being involved in international working groups. We also have experience in the development of projects both national and international.  So, having a proved and solid background, that would for sure help in the successful development of the project


PhD. Anna Equisuany

Contribution to WP1, WP2 & WP3


Professor Matías Arim

Contribution to WP1, WP2 & WP3


Dr. Ana Inés Borthagaray

Contribution to WP1, WP2 & WP3

Referents in the field of graph theory applications in ecological studies. They have a large experience working with networks and their structural properties, as well as linking spatial structural connectivity of the systems to organisms’ landscape perception.



Researcher from the University of Sassari


Dr. Simonetta Bagella

Contribution to WP1 & WP3

She is an international recognized expert in macrophytes of Mediterranean temporary ponds. She would mainly participate in WP1 and WP3, as expert in macrophytes, helping to identify main biological traits to account for when constructing macrophyte species-functional networks,


Contribution to WP1 & WP2


Dr. Tamás Felföldi

Contribution to WP2

Referents in the field of metacommunity studies and molecular taxonomy applied to microbial ecology. They have a large experience working with mesocosms carrying out metacommunity experimental designs.



Researcher from the WasserCluster Lunz


Dr. Robert Ptacnik

Contribution to WP1 & WP2

Researchers with large experience in mesocosms experiments (their group is part of the AQUACOSMplus H2020 project) and metacommunity studies, doing field work, experiments and also modelling approaches that would be very valuable during the development of the project

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